Crochet Cosy = Cool

Last week, my phone case decided it couldn’t take any more abuse. It left me, fell to the ground and it’s battered body broke into many pieces. Not 5 minutes later, I went on Ebay to buy another one from Hong Kong, as you do. A few days later, unsurprisingly, I was still awaiting it’s arrival. By then, filled with paranoia about my phone jumping out of my hands, I decided to crochet a cosy for it. Then it would have something to absorb the shock if does jump. I started to Google “crochet phone case” at 1am.

Results came with speed and variety, Google deserves a pat on the back. These instructions caught my eye because it quoted “under an hour”. I can tell you now, this blogger misquoted. It should have said “under an hour, if you’re pro like nanna”. And the photo of her finished phone case had a face on it, even more appealing.

Two hours + one sleep + one hour later, I had my very own phone cosy. This was made from cheap 100% wool, so the phone could breathe. Cheap because it was $5, different colours, assorted lengths, itchy, and there’s enough in the bag to make 20 phone cases.

To keep my phone warm.